Right now there are thousands of people with disability across Australia who are stuck simply waiting…

Waiting to be able to live in a home that meets their needs.

They are waiting in hospital beds, in nursing homes and at home with their families who are unable to care for them.

They are waiting for paperwork to be processed so they can get the NDIS support they need and are entitled to.

It currently takes months for the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to approve the funding for housing and support thousands of people need.

In contrast, senior Australians in hospital can be approved for government funding in just a matter of days to move into residential aged care.

The problems that stem from these bureaucratic delays are immense.

While people wait for the NDIA to process paperwork, every facet of their lives is impacted. Health and wellbeing, social connections, economic participation – all go backwards while they wait.

This is a solvable problem. It simply requires the Federal Government to prioritise getting people with disability the housing and support funding they need.

That’s why we are calling for the NDIA to provide people with disability approval for housing and support in 10 days. If it can be done for senior Australians, it can be done for people with disability.

Now is your chance to tell politicians the waiting must stop.

To help get people with disability the housing and support they need, click here to sign the petition.

Please share this email amongst your networks!


Emma Gee